Tea #3: Japanese Green Tea

 In my effort to make up for lost time, I'm trying two cups of tea today. First, Japanese Green Tea. I don't know if I've said this before, but I hate green tea. I love black tea and any other type of tea basically just gives me a headache, especially green or white teas. I wasn't excited about this tea to say the least.

The sickening algae color that spread through my favorite mug as I let the bag steep didn't help make me feel any better. It smelled very earthy and tasted very earthy. It didn't give me a headache, but it definitely wasn't my favorite. So far the White Pomegranate, oddly enough, still holds the top spot, but we have a lot of teas left. Nine in fact.

I did like the green tea a lot more than our daily movie. 3 Tunnels to Hell is one of the worst movies so far, even worse than Rubber. It made me love the green tea.


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