Movie Review: After School Massacre

Oh, the promise of gore... and probably boobies. I'd gotten through a whole movie that was great boob-less and creepy and here I was, hitting play on After School Massacre.

Where do I start? Acting, horrible. Sound, atrocious. I was actually hoping to see some boobs twenty minutes in.

Mr. Anderson, a teacher at the school, gets lectured at school about inappropriate relations with a student and kills the man, snaps his neck.

Um.... other things happen, but nothing to really make note of. Side boob... more talking that was impossible to understand even if it weren't for the strange drum fills that were louder than the movie's actual dialogue. It legit made no sense at all.

By the time Mr. Anderson put a beanie over his head and cut eye holes in it, I was ready for everyone to die.

And they did.

Moral of this movie: Not even boobies can save your movies.


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