Part 2: Okeechobee

I absolutely love this picture. He's looking up information on where we could see manatees. He thought I was lying when I told him that we have a ton of them.

Our days in Okeechobee were filled with sweaty, hot, uncomfortable hard work and then quiet moments like the ones above when I took Dingo to see the lake. Up in Illinois hardly anyone knows that there's even a lake in Florida. Lake Okeechobee is Florida's largest lake and the second largest body of fresh water in the contiguous United State. The word Okeechobee comes from the Seminole word "Oki" (water) and "Chubi" (big), meaning "big water", which is very appropriate.

Dingo and I went to the lake two days in a row, but we didn't get to see any gators or manatees (he didn't believe me that we have speed limits on the lake because of manatees), not even a turtle. We just saw a lot of birds.


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