Movie Review: Beast with a Million Eyes

The Beast with a Million Eyes is a weird one. An alien life-form lands on Earth and makes animals attack some people on a farm.

It's filled with old cliches and a bunch of random scenes that I'm sure scared the pants off of people... in 1955. I do have to say that the mute and supposedly mentally challenged farmhand's room is incredibly risque. His walls are covered in scantily clad ladies, which basically in '55 was porn.

Apparently the wife/mother character is running away from this German Shepard, horrified. This dog is adorable and clearly just standing there, but there's barking dubbed over it just looking all cute and innocent. At one point it should be growling according to the visual, but the sound is barking. The woman's scream are all we are given as to what happens when the dog gets to her because we don't see more than it jumping into the window.

Come to find out, Carol (mom/wife) axed Duke (the German Shepard) to death. Sandy (daughter), is devastated and lashes out at her mom. Eventually Sandy forgives Carol.

Sandy hears a strange humming noise and follows it out to the desert. She blacks out. The farmhand does the same thing, but this time Sandy follows him and sees it for herself.

Sarah the cow attacks some wonderful old man farmer who showered with a bucket. Carol is attacked by chickens and husband/father - I keep forgetting his name - has to save her with a blowtorch. Father/husband finds sweet old man and comes back home just in time to shoot and kill Sarah the cow, who's attacking Sandy. Birds fly into the electrical box, cutting off the phone. A lot of running around and tumbling about happens.

The farmhand takes Sandy because he's under the alien's spell or lure or whatever. Father/husband comes and saves her, but the farmhand (who's name is actually Carl apparently) dies.

The alien wants Sandy. For what reason? I dunno. Oh, to test how humans are so strong. Do you want to know how? Love. Love is in all of us. Well, according to Carol and husband/father guy.

Moral of this movie: Don't live on a farm?


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