Movie Review: Monsterwolf

We haven't had a werewolf movie in a while. This one's interesting as it shows the werewolf and not just bits and pieces of a wolf puppet. It's CGI to the max, but I'll take it as a win.

This wolf is out for environmental balance and harmony. You mess that up, it messes you up. Even if you're locked in a jail cell. Of course there's a Native American aspect to it. White people don't turn into wolves apparently, it just doesn't seem to happen without having some sort of Native American springboard.

I found myself captivated by Jason London as the redneck romeo to our attempting-to-be-hard Juliet. I think I may have a bit of a crush.

Other than that, same old same old werewolf movie. I root for the wolf, hope the humans get eaten. Except Jason London. He's pretty,

Moral of this movie; Don't mess with Native American legend. It'll jack you up.


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