Movie Review: Maggie

When I saw Arnold Schwarzenegger's name along with the word zombies, I'll be honest... not that excited. I do like Abigail Breslin though. She was in one of my favoritest movies ever: Zombieland. I also have come to like stubbly Awnold. I like him more with a bit of facial hair I've found.

Awnold plays Dale, father of three and husband just trying to do what's best for his family. Breslin plays Maggie, Dale's daughter, who ran away and was caught outside after curfew. She has been bitten and therefore her dad finds her in the "shelter for the infected". The doctor lets him take her home as there's no saving her.

The beautiful Joely Richardson (Queen Catherine Parr of The Tudors and daughter of Vanessa Redgrave) plays Caroline, Maggie's mom and Dale's wife.

It wasn't what I expected. I actually enjoyed it, even Awnold. It was certainly different from the plethora of zombie movies out there. It was a change of pace from the blood and guts - which, you all know, I love me some blood and guts, but occasionally you just need something of substance. Maggie is a good chunk of substance with a finger-chopping scene thrown in.

Moral of this movie: Quarantine doesn't work. Not even in the movie Quarantine did quarantining work.


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