Movie Review: The Blood Beast Terror

Monster movie! Monster movie! Woooooo!!!!

I've watched way too many movies of the paranormal sort and/or where crazy, creepy human who discreetly disembowels people. It was very exciting to get a good ol' fashion monster movie in.

We begin our journey somewhere I'm assuming is supposed to be Africa or South America. There are monkeys and parrots, but the sounds they use are that of hyenas, zebras, and antelope. It was like the sounds were in the public domain so they just popped them in.

There are some people who, I guess, study bugs because there's a presentation of slides with moths and such on them. Otherwise, I'm not sure at all what's going on and I'm genuinely just waiting for the big beasty to show itself. I did enjoy the sign outside of the police station that read: POLICE SEEK BIRD OF PREY. Um... pray tell, why would the police be seeking a bird of prey? Is he a suspect? Do you need his services in some way? Is he missing? No explanation was given, or maybe there was and I missed it in all the pomp and circumstance.

A lot more discussions of bugs, primarily of moths. Oh, apparently we're going on a trip to go see some more buggies. There's a play put on in the movie that is more interesting than the movie at this point - 32:00 mark. Oh, wait. While trying to get frisky in the woods, a man is attacked by a guy in a fly costume. Due to the anticlimactic death, our exciting adventure to other lands for new bugs has been canceled. Someone else dies, but I don't know how.

Finally at hour in something actually happens. We find out that the lady pictured below is actually the beastie that's been killing people and the guy is actually trying to create a mate for her. When he realizes what she's been doing, he vows to destroy her and her mate, somehow setting fire to the cocooned mate with a glass of water. She doesn't take that well and shifts into the beast, kills him.

One of the other men in the film makes the mistake of showing her the moth that he'd killed earlier to add to his collection. It's a death's head moth - her own kind. She kills him. She somehow ends up dead.... things happen very quickly and I'm not sure what happened to be honest.

Moral of this movie: Moths aren't scary, unless they look like a person dressed up in a fly costume.

A girl and her love.


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