Movie Review: Everybody's Fine

Everybody's Fine was difficult to get into for the first half hour and then I fell in love with Frank (Robert de Niro) and the fact that he was walking around with a non-digital camera, taking pictures of everything on his journey to surprise all of his kids. He first visits Amy (Kate Beckinsale) and her husband and son, who don't get along. I can never believe Beckinsale in any role where she's not in a leather onesie. He then moves on to his son Robert (Sam Rockwell). I love Sam Rockwell. He's one of those people that can do no wrong in my eyes, ever since Galaxy Quest. After Robert, Frank goes to visit his daughter Rosie (Drew Barrymore). On the way there, he's mugged and after no one answers their phones, he calls his own house and listens to his answering machine that still has his wife's voice on it. I cried like the little girl that I am. Barrymore is 50/50 for me usually, but in this one she's good.

This movie is a tearjerker, but worth the watch. Selling point: Robert De Niro making funny faces at a baby. Oh. And a random appearance from James Frain, an all time favorite of mine.


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