Character Survey: Sarah Barker

Queen Sarah is kicking off the countdown to the release of Lilith & the Nephilim with us. First we had our first snippet from Lilith & the Nephilim and now we're starting something super awesome. Here's our first character survey by the queen herself.

  1. How do you feel about your family, now that you’re an adult?
    My biological family isn't much to speak about. My biological father is an evil dragon who would sell me to the highest bidder with no regards to my safety, especially not my happiness. My mom is pretty disconnected from reality. My half-brother Qualo is pretty awesome, but that's about all I know of my biological family - the living ones anyway. I didn't have to become an adult to have an ill perspective on my family.
  2. What do you want from life?
    I'd like to just be... just to be. I don't know. I'd like not to fight for my life anymore. It's exhausting. I didn't ask for any of this, but here I am.
  3.  If you were granted three wishes, what would you ask for?
    Being Queen would be easy, my loved ones to be safe, and for all mosquitoes to die.
  4. What three things would you take to a Desert Island?
    Sunscreen, a hat, and a jug of water. I wouldn't be there for too long so I wouldn't need a lot. {laughs}
  5. What, in the outside world, is preventing you from getting it?
    Getting what? I don't understand the question.
  6. What, in yourself, is preventing you from getting it?
    Yep, still don't understand.
  7. In your relationship with others, how are you different with family than you are with friends? Why?
    I'm very different with my friends than I am with my family. My friends have become my family and they're amazing. My self-created family is the best and my biological family is not so great. I'm very happy around my family and I feel safe, not so much around those other people.
  8. How do you fall in love? At first sight? Over a long period?
    I tend to fall hard and fast. I fell for Nevin at first sight. My love turns to hate real fast though.
  9. What parts of loving come easy for you? Hard?
    It all seems incredibly difficult to me.
  10. How do you decide if you can trust someone? Experience with others? with this person? First impressions? Intuition? Do you test the person somehow? Or are you just generally disposed to trust or not to trust?
    I've learned not to trust anyone.
  11. When you walk into a room, what do you notice first? Second?
    I'm trained to notice exits and how many weapons are in the room. Second would be if there's anyone there that I even want to speak to.
  12. When you walk into a room, what do you expect people to notice about you?
    How I'm still alive. {laughs}
  13. Describe yourself to me.
    I'm a short strawberry blond with no sense of direction and a horrible equilibrium. Oh, yeah, and I'm Queen.
  14. Is one sense more highly developed than another? (Are you more visual, or audial, etc, or do you rely on the famous sixth sense?)
    My eyesight is getting worse and worse. I've always been prone to seem like I'm staring at someone when they're talking, but that's just how I listen to people. I have a pretty heightened sense of hearing, I guess. It helps that I'm not human.
  15. Did you turn out the way you expected? The way your parents predicted?
    My parents had little to nothing to do with how I turned out. I'm sure I didn't turn out the way anyone wanted me to turn out.
  16. What really moves you, or touches you to the soul?
    Music. No matter what happens, I can turn a song on and get lost. It's universal and you can't trust someone who doesn't like music.
  17. What's the one thing you have always wanted to do but didn't/couldn't/wouldn't? What would happen if you did do it?
    I'd like to just relax, you know. The universe would break into chaos though so... no rest for the wicked, I guess.
  18. What do you consider are your strengths?
    My pigheadedness is probably my strength and weakness. I'm not particularly stronger or more intelligent than everyone else, I just bulldoze my way into things more than they do. I also don't know when to quit.
  19. What do you consider are your weaknesses?
    My pigheadedness. Or my family, either one.
  20. What is one physical attribute you are proud of?
    My hair. It's marvelous. Especially today.
  21. What one physical attribute would you change?
    My height. I hate being 4'11".
  22. What do you consider your special talent?
    Finding trouble probably.
  23. What do you wish your special talent was?
    Avoiding trouble.
  24. What are you most proud of about your life?
    My kids. I don't say it often enough, but I'm extremely proud of them.
  25. What's the worst thing you've ever done? Why?
    Oh... we can't talk about that.
  26. Describe your ideal mate.
    Alive. Dark hair, blue eyes, tall, can grow some magical facial hair. I have a type definitely.
  27. What are you most afraid of?
    A few things. Clowns, heights, the unknown.
  28. What's the most important thing in your life? What do you value most?
    My family.
  29. How do you feel about your life right now? What, if anything, would you like to change?
    Life is strange right now. I can't complain because it's been worse, but it's not exactly great right now. I don't know how to explain it.
  30. If you could be an animal, what would it be?
    My favorite animal is a lion, but I think I'd rather be something small like a salamander or something. I'd like to slither away and hide.


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