Lilith & the Nephilim Snippet #4

A hand touched my face and I screamed, falling to the floor. I immediately regretted doing that because of the look on Sampsa’s face. I couldn’t tell if it was the scream, the dried tears on my face, or the newly formed bruise that turned him on more. I waited for it. I braced myself for the ripping of clothing, the abrasive invasion of my body, and the sound of my uncontrollable sobbing. It was still a jarring violation of my mind, body, and soul, if I thought I had one, but it was a jarring violation I’d become accustomed to. It was routine now and all I had to do was keep my screams and cries to a minimum. Sampsa loved the painful screams he could sometimes get out of me. That was why I could only whimper slightly as he tore me apart.

I couldn’t think of all the things that would help me through it. Picturing my family’s faces would completely destroy any chance of me keeping what little composure I had left. I waited until the dead of night when I could stare up at the stars, imagining a green dragon flying overhead, lycans running through the woods. I always pictured a vampire, a lukoi, and a spirit elemental standing at the tree line. Sometimes they were ready to strike, weapons at the ready and other times they were just standing there, watching me watch them.

“Are you alright?” Sampsa asked, catching me off guard. I just stared down at my feet because I didn’t know what else to do. “He shouldn’t have done that,” he said, cupping my cheek. “Come here, vauva.” He picked me up and cradled me like he’d done since I was a baby. He sat down on the bed, but didn’t let me go. “You don’t have any power any more, do you?” I fought to not flinch. “You’ve been in this room for six months now and you haven’t fought me at all. That’s not like you, vauva.”

I clutched my stomach, both protectively and out of nervous habit. His eyes focused there and he instantly knew. The worst information Sampsa could possibly possess was now firmly in his hands. Literally.

“You’ll need rest after the babe is born and I’ll allow for it, but when you’ve regained your strength you’ll give me a son.”

My heart sank.

“What if…” I trailed off, not knowing if I was allowed to speak.

“What if…?” he echoed.

“What if it’s another girl?”

“You will give me a son, vauva. It doesn’t matter how long it takes. We could have a dozen daughters but eventually you will give me a son.” He placed me on the bed and started toward the door. “You get some rest, you’ll need it. It will be coming soon.”

He closed the door and locked it behind him. I waited a moment before curling up around my belly as much as I could.

She’ll be coming soon. We’re going to get out of here, baby girl.”


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