Movie Review: The Babadook

I was in more than a little bit of a funk today so I had myself a little bit of a horror marathon. First was The Babadook. I've been wanting to watch The Babadook for a while. It's one of those movies that I randomly come across in my random researching and fandom-hopping. I figured I haven't been sleeping well anyway so... why not scare the bejeezus out of myself.

The boy who plays Samuel is absolutely adorable. I loved him. The old lady neighbor was my second favorite character and then the cute Maltese was my third. The mom was good, a lot creepier than the Babadook himself. The Babadook is a good movie if you like horror movies that you don't see a monster throughout the majority of it and it's mostly psychological. I liked it.

Moral of The Babadook: Don't read books. Especially not to your kid.


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