Come on, Wipe Me! | AHS Spoiler Review


Things! Things happened! Wonderful, horrible, confusing things happened and I loved almost every second of it. I honestly can't believe this is only episode 3.

The weird interrogation fight between Mallory and Langdon is so good. Oh, my gosh. I just want to watch it over and over and I have. Obviously, Langdon couldn't understand what happened so, he does what any troubled person does, he asks his parent for advise. His parent is Satan... that's a little different. Watching him bathe in blood was weird.

I also enjoyed when Langdon told Coco that she was too shallow to be dark or evil. Langdon remembers Dinah and she says she isn't powerful enough to stop whatever his plan is.

We get to learn more about Miriam's "memories". When Venable isn't approved to go to the Sanctuary, Miriam has the plan of killing everyone, including Langdon.

Coco's boyfriend, Brock, is alive and is trying to find her. I'm hoping he finds her and kills her.

The perimeter is breached by a carriage carrying nothing but a trunk full of apples. And Brock hanging off the bottom, unseen by Miriam. As they are plotting to poison the apples in order to kill everyone, Brock is killing his way into the Outpost.

Mallory makes the mistake of telling Coco and Gallant about her encounter with Langdon. Obviously they don't believe her. Coco makes fun of her and makes me want her boyfriend to kill her even more than before.

Venable holds a masquerade ball as a cover for the poisoning. Brock infiltrates it, dressed head to toe in black. Coco thinks he's Langdon so, she dances with him and promises she will do things she didn't even do with her boyfriend. They go back to her room and he reveals himself. After she lies and says how happy she is that he's alive, he stabs her right in the forehead! She dead!

Everyone has bobbed for the apples and are now feasting on them. Almost instantaneously, the snake venom hits their nervous system and everyone becomes violently ill. Everyone is dead. Venable and Miriam go to Langdon's room to take him out. Venable wants Miriam to shoot Langdon, but Miriam turns the gun on her. Even Miriam is shocked by her actions and Langdon explains that he's the mastermind behind the entire apple plan.

I love how when Miriam says, "I know I'm just a machine,", Langdon becomes upset. She is a replica of the woman who had raised him and he needs her. Awwww!!!!!

Holy Glob! The witches! The mother flubbing witches. I wasn't the biggest fan of Coven, but I am an immense Frances Conroy fan. Sarah Paulson is back with her Coven character Cordelia Foxx. Emma Roberts is back as Madison Montgomery and Conroy is back as Myrtle Snow.

Coco is gone and I'm happy. It's going to be interesting to see how Langdon deals with the witches.


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