Inspiration: Catahecassa


Full Name: Catahecassa
Birthday: December 8, ?
Species: Unicorn
Occupation: Unicorn King

Height: 5'9"
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Piercings: None
Tattoos: None

Loves: Willa, Blake Galore, Sarah Barker, Jody Flood
Children: Diablo, Coppelia - there are many more, but only these two have been mentioned.

Related by blood: No
Related by marriage: No
Met: 1998

Vampire Diaries premiered just as I started writing Blood Red Roses. Ian Somerhalder sank into my psyche for obvious reasons - have you seen him? Soon I was writing about a leather-jacket-wearing, black-haired, blue-eyed Unicorn King.

Catahecassa was a complete shock to me as I wrote Blood Red Roses. I knew Emmett would be there and I knew that Jean-Claude would be there, but I had no intention of adding a third guy into the equation. Cattie was the one that showed me that good looks weren't going to get anyone too far in Sarah's world. To be compatable with Sarah, her men have to be powerful - very, very powerful. Until Cattie came along Emmett was really just another pretty face. Sarah just talked about his blue eyes and chest hair. After that initial reunion with Cattie at the Paris house when he shifted in front of her, the entire feel of the book changed for me. I knew that Sarah would never be with anyone who wasn't somewhere near her power range. She couldn't be with someone who was lower.

I don't think Sarah and Cattie were ever really serious. They love each other don't get me wrong and they care deeply for each other, but I don't think they would ever be right for each other. I think they both knew that and that's why they split pretty quickly. Sarah is super happy that Cattie has found Jody and she will be even happier when they get married.

Sarah and Cattie will remain close for as long as they live. They're both royalty and they both will fight to protect their thrones and especially their family.


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