Today of All Days :\

Today of all days...

I'm packing and cleaning and packing and cleaning... trying to keep my anxiety low. I'm stressed about packing and getting to where I need to be.

The pest control people were here about half an hour ago. Today of all days...

Now I can hear them testing the smoke detectors in the building across from us. Poor Maddie's been locked in the bathroom for like two hours. I put her food and water in there with her so she won't be completely homicidal when she comes out. :\

I don't like loud noises, I don't like people, I don't like... I just don't like any of this. I have to get it over with though. If I don't let them in, they'll just use their key and come in anyway.

Today of all days.

I'll be in Ft. Myers tomorrow and everything will be okee dokee. That's my mantra for today. Everything will be okay if I just take a deep breath in, hold it, and then let it out.

I've been promised ham, mashed potatoes, and peas for dinner. That makes me feel better. For those of you who don't know, peas are probably my favorite food. It's weird, but I just love them. My sister, Vanessa's vice is pickles, hence her nickname. My vice is peas.

I just wanted to post to try to get my mind off of the nearing holler of the smoke detectors. I will probably be on edge for the rest of the day. I'm so wound up right now.

They have to check every smoke detector in every apartment so it literally sounds like the apocalypse in our complex today. It's giving me a complex!

I just want to get this over with so I can finish packing and cleaning and packing and cleaning. Well, when this is over, I won't have the neurotic urge to clean every surface in the apartment.

Poor Maddie hasn't even meowed since I put her in the bathroom. FYI, I had to put her in the bathroom because the "warning" these people slipped in through the door said to put any pets in an area with no smoke detector and/or sprinkler. Every room in the apartment has a sprinkler except for the bathrooms. Pickles' bathroom is small and is a mess so, I decided to put Maddie in my bathroom. Pickles got the big closet so I got the big bathroom. When she's getting ready to go out, she uses mine most of the time. I'm fine with that, I don't need it often.

Book #3's working title is Willing Destruction. I've been working on it pretty steadily for the past few days. I'm really loving just sitting down and writing again. I've been formatting and editing for so long, I think I kind of forgot how great it feels to just write.

Willing Destruction I think has a different tone. I'm in a different place mentally and so are Emmett and Sarah... it's an appropriate change in tone and pace.

Blood Red Roses is now being called Book #1 because I haven't gotten the new title approved yet. I sent an email last night and hopefully will hear back before next week. Fingers crossed, people.

Nephilim... I haven't even formatted it yet. I'm going to wait until I'm much further into the publishing process with Book #1.

So right now, I am working primarily on writing Willing Destruction while Book #1 is being proofed by some good friends of mine, Laura and Tony. Nephilim is on the back-burner for now.

You can still purchase Blood Red Roses and Nephilim through and most other online bookstores. Those are my unedited, non-uniformed, self-published versions.
Review of Blood Red Roses on
A novel rich in detail drawn from world history and myriad cultures. All of which is brought together to form the basis of a unique mythology underlying our everyday world. It is, at once, epic in scope and scale as well as being focused and personal too as we follow the protagonist, Sarah Hunter, as she reconciles her outer and inner selves in the midst of supernatural war. 5 of 5 stars


  1. Sounds like a pain in the bum of a day. Best wishes and remember to keep taking those deep breaths.


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