Fire and Ice

Started reading Julie Garwood's Fire and Ice. So far so good.

I finished Nicholas Sparks' The Rescue the other day. It started out really slow. Like inch worm slow, but by the end it was enough to make my eyes teary.

Now I'm sitting in Bryce's room watching Alphas while he and Brennan run around the house with foam shields and plastic guns shouting "Battle!"

That's the reason I'm pretty far behind on posting. I've been watching both of them all week. So my life has been filled with Wii Sports and army men and football and whining and pouting and compromising - on Brennan's part. Bryce isn't much for the compromising or playing fair. His definition of playing fair is the other person letting him win.

I have Brennan again tomorrow and then we have him for a few hours on Saturday. We'll probably go bowling or something.

Oh, Spiderman just came into the room, put his machine gun down and switched his suit to black. Spiderman walked in, Venom walked out.

Our friendly neighborhood Spiderman is pretty low-rate so he carries a machine gun and chases grape-stealing Labradoodles.

On the writing front, I've gotten about five pages in for BEAUTY AND THE ANGEL in the past week. My muse has been focused on the series of short stories I'm working on. It started with a flashback Sarah will have in book 6. She remembers when Paul - her first husband - said that he loved her for the first time. It got to be about fifteen pages long and I thought that was a bit excessive as a flashback. Now I have the Paul story and the second one is about the arrival of Dean from the future.

Well, I'm going to get something to eat and finish catching up on my favorite shows.


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