Twitter, Release of Nephilim

Good morning, everyone. It's morning due to the fact that it's 12:42 in the morning.

I just wanted to touch base with you all. I've been working on classwork and Beauty and the Angel simultaneously. I enrolled in a Basic Writing class a couple weeks ago and I'm loving it. If you want to become a writer, a good writer, you should take a basic writing class. There's so much you forget or don't even realize you use.

Anyway... my "editor" read Nephilim while I was visiting Okeechobee last week. It needed a few revisions, but other than that I got a good review. We both agree that it is better than BRR, book 1. Well, it's not better. It's just... more. There's just more going on and there's less loose ends. There are still loose ends, but they're meant to be there.

Nephilim's release date? I didn't have a release date for BRR. I was so excited that I just did it. With Nephilim... I'm taking my time and giving people enough time to absorb. It makes no sense to publish book after book just because I can. It also makes no sense to do it when no one has read the initial release yet.

I'm hoping for a Spring release, maybe Summer. I am self-published so I can release it whenever I want. I want to be completely comfortable with it before I set it loose. ;-)

I have followed my non-fiction minions into the sinkhole that is Twitter. With much prodding from my boredom and my brain, both known as @eshunter, I have joined the ranks of Twitterverse. @sebuchheit

That sounded way too dramatic. Maybe I should use my newly found dramatics and put them somewhere useful. Perhaps BatA. :-)


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