Thursday, My Favorite Day.

Good afternoon, everybody. Today is my favorite day of the week. Thursday. Why is Thursday my favorite day of the week? Two reasons.

Vampire Diaries and Supernatural. My two favorite shows are all new on Thursdays.

Thursday wasn't always good for me though. It used to be one of my least favorite days. When I was going to school I hated Tuesday and Thursday. I couldn't have liked those two days any less. It seriously got to the point where when Tuesday or Thursday rolled around, my mom would just leave me alone.

To this day I have no idea why I disliked those two days so much.

Anyway... Work on Beauty and the Angel is going pretty steadily right now. Being told that I would have to fork over $12,000 to get published sort of lit a fire under my tush.

Dorrance Publishing was the reason I started Blood Red Roses. I sent in a request for some information about getting published and they said that I needed to have a manuscript ready.

That was in August.

By the time I finished BRR in November, I was living in a new place and I had a different perspective on what I was doing. I was writing for me and no one else.

I didn't send my manuscript into them until about a month ago. A couple weeks ago I got an email saying that they would love to work with me, but I'd have to pay them $12,000 first. I replied politely that as an 18 year old aspiring author without a real job with steady income, I couldn't afford that. I got a reply that said I could pay it in installments as low as $500 a month.

I don't know about you, but I don't have $500 a year, let alone a month.

I respectively declined their offer and have been working diligently to make Beauty and the Angel as awesome as it can possibly be.

I am going to Okeechobee, my hometown, tomorrow. I always do my best work there. I don't know why, but I do. I wrote almost all of Nephilim at my mom's office.

The online store is under construction right now. I sort of fudged it up the other day and I have to fix it. That is my goal today.

I don't think I've ever done a survey over on this side of the "Hunterverse". It should be fun to compare my answers to Mrs. Hunter's.

  1. Do you and your boyfriend/ girlfriend fight a lot?
    I don't have a boyfriend or a girlfriend.
  2. Are you afraid to grow up?
    Yes. Most "grown ups" have let responsiblity and other things steal all of their creativity and their... childishness.
  3. What's your favorite thing to do in the summer time?
    I'm not too into the outdoor stuff. I do like the heat though. I'm not big on doing normal summertime things. I definitely dislike the beach.
  4. Would you be willing to live with your best friend?
    My best friend at the moment is my mom. I've lived with her.
  5. How many arguments did you have with the person who last kissed you?
    Never been kissed.
  6. When you turn 18, are you moving out?
    I was already living with my sister when I turned 18.
  7. How do you wear your hair most of the time?
    It's always down. It's short again so... although even if it were long, I wouldn't do anything to it.
  8. Do you have a step-parent?
  9. Do you want to see somebody right now?
    I'm excited to see my Momma, Tony, and Nova tomorrow.
  10. Do you have any terrifying fears?
    I have a terrifying fear that something will happen to me and all of my ideas and thoughts will be lost.
  11. Last person you kissed calls you, what are they calling for?
    Never been kissed.
  12. Would you rather spend a Friday night at a concert or a crazy party?
    Neither. Too many people at both. I'd rather stay home and read.
  13. Do you tend to fall for the same type of person over and over?
    I don't think I've ever "fallen" for anyone.
  14. Finish this sentence: The last person I kissed is.....
    Nothing because I've never been kissed.
  15. You want your tongue pierced?
    No. It took my 16 years to get my ears pierced. I don't need any extra holes.
  16. Ever kissed anyone with their tongue pierced?
  17. Have you ever tripped someone?
    Never successfully or on purpose.
  18. How long does it take you to fall asleep at night?
    A long time. My brain is like the fudgin' Energizer bunny.
  19. Does your best friend approve of the last person you kissed?
    They don't have to because I've never kissed anyone.
  20. Is it ever too late to apologize?
  21. Is your life falling apart or coming together?
    Depends on when you ask me. It feels sort of in between right now.
  22. What time did you wake up today?
    10:00. My phone woke me up only to tell me that my dad was calling. You have to love waking up to Marilyn Manson's "If I Was Your Vampire".
  23. Who was the first person you talked to today?
    My dad.
  24. What are you doing this weekend?
    Practicing for my driving test and working on Beauty and the Angel.
  25. What movie are you most excited to see?
  26. What were you doing 15 mins ago?
    This survey.


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