Longer Post

Good afternoon, everyone!

As promised, here is my lengthier post. I wasn't able to get a longer post up sooner because of my sister's internet connection going in and out. I have Wi-Fi on my laptop, but I was trying to get it routed over to her computer.

Anyway... I am neck-deep in editing Nephilim. I'm about halfway through the editing process. It's pretty much the first time I've edited anything.

I let Blood Red Roses go out way before I should have, but it's out there so I have to deal with it. ::shrug::

I've said this before, but I wish Emmett was real. When Sarah procrastinates or is reluctant to do something, he gives her the strength to do anything. In a strange way... he gives me the same strength. They all do.

Maybe Nephilim will be available next month, just in time for Emmett and Sarah's anniversary (June 1). That would be pretty cool.

We now have a Chat Room on the forum. There is a direct link to it on the website. Lots of scheduled chats will be held over there. Maybe even a few contests and stuff like that.

If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook, you know that I spent the weekend at the beach with my sister, Vanessa (or "Pickles"). Here are some pictures that we took...


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