"Small But Mighty" | The I-Land | Episode 3

Chase has a magnetic force field around her, keeping her immobile. A doctor lets it slip that it's required for anyone in the prison system. We meet Warden Wells (good ol' Bruce McGill). He says something about her having military training.

We learn that the I-Land was a mental simulation. It was a test to see how they would do if they had a second chance in the real world. He says that once she's done with all of her evaluations are over, they want to send her back in.

The nurse comes in to give her a sleep aid and she ends up attacking the guards and taking the nurse as a shield. She gets out of the facility, but is eventually hit in the face with the butt of a gun.

After meetings with neuroscientists and the warden, Chase is told she's going back into the program. She refuses to go back in, but the warden chains her by the neck outside and let's his guards fight her. They come out looking way worse than she does.

In transport to the other facility, where she'll be reinserted, she escapes custody. She finds all of her fellow I-Land-ers in hydro pools just before the warden shows up and finally puts her back into the program.

No Kyle Schmid this episode. Boo!


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