Tender Spooning | Diner Report {1/8 - 1/14}

It happens so often that I'm just automatically expecting no one to have exact change. I say, "It's going to be $9.01." They hand me a $10 bill or a $20 bill and say, "I have a penny," only to pull out a quarter. I've literally handed change back and taken change from the PENNIES cup because I'd trust that this person had a spare penny. "I have that." No, you don't. You have a whole math equation for me now because I trusted you and sent the order to the back, clearing your ticket. Now, I have to collect what's left of my 9th grade education and figure it out.

I had to laugh when a guy came in and ordered chicken tenders. Not to his face, that would be rude. I don't think he knew what tenders were though. He kept asking if they're grilled and I'd reply that they're breaded and deep-fried. He finally said, "Okay, that's fine, yeah." He leaves after paying because he only works a couple doors in the plaza. The only sauce he'd asked for was ketchup, which I have a hard time not judging. When he came back for the tenders, he asked for a spoon. A spoon. A spoon? A SPOON???!!! For what? It's not a soup or a chili. He didn't even get any sauce that would require a spoon. I had to look at my manager and just laugh because it was just randomly weird.

"I'd like a plain hot dog, only ketchup and pickle." *cough* Not plain. *cough*


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