February Glam Bag a Skip?

I love pink. Anyone who knows me is aware of this. I also love cosmetics and samples and skincare and Ipsy, but.... I will be skipping February's Glam Bag.

  1. I can't afford it. $12 doesn't seem like a lot of money, but I just switched jobs and have not gotten my first paycheck. I still have bills to catch up on so, some things that aren't a necessity are being put on hold.
  2. Not in love with the bag design. None of the three designs speak to me. I'm hoping for a beautiful green moment for March. I think maybe I was spoiled way too hard with January's bags. February's is just not doing anything for me.
  3. I wasn't impressed by the products. At this point, I need something more than some balm or a lipgloss to be excited. I also don't need a twentieth bottle of moisturizer.
Tyler and I will still be doing the Universal Yums boxes. We haven't filmed January's yet only because of the job switch and I had a bad cold for the last two weeks. I'll try my best to convince him to record when he gets home from work.


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