Movie Review: It Follows

Good afternoon, everyone. I'm just sitting here watching It Follows with Maddie. Surprisingly enough I've never seen it. It's been on my list forever, but I never got around to watching it. It's not scary really. The tall guy caught me off guard - if you've seen the movie, you know what I'm talking about. It's just another one of those have-sex-and-die movies. If you don't get pregnant or get an STD, an entity will chase you at a walking-pace for the rest of your life until it kills you. You should show it during Sex-Ed classes. I'm not a fan of the sex-kills scenario in horror movies, especially when it involves knowingly passing on a homicidal entity to your sexual partners. The monster is seemingly turning these horny young people into a desperate, homicidal-entity chain gang. I don't understand why the thing doesn't just grab them right away. Why does she have to watch it walk slowly toward her? Kill her while she's on the toilet or something. Oh, the shower! The shower's always a good place to kill someone. At least in the movies, I guess.

I had to take a break from The 100. I just started watching the show and I'm already halfway through Season 2. It's actually way better than I expected. I only turned it on as kind of a filler before all my shows come back on. I've become a fan of The 100.

I think once I finish Season 2, I'm going to start watching Season 1 of Sleepy Hollow. I watched a couple episodes when it first aired, but got distracted by something else, I guess.

REBEL SWAN is still trucking along. It's actually going way easier and way more in depth than I meant it to. It's too much fun to write about Odette and Caden. It was supposed to be a spin-off short story, but it's become a novella and I can't seem to stop writing about them. I have a feeling Rebel Swan will become a novel all on its own. I'm perfectly okay with that too.


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