I May Be Okay

Me and my mom
Time flies when you're... trying to forget the past year has been a thing at all. It has been an incredibly rough year and I've had to keep reminding myself of what's coming up. My 25th birthday is on Sunday. It's extremely bittersweet as it will be the first birthday that will not begin with a call from my mom at 4 AM. She'd make sure to call before 5 AM so she would be the first one to wish you a happy birthday. My sister's birthday was in July and she said that it was very somber (she didn't use that word though).

Both of my sisters are going to Nashville this weekend for my other sister's birthday, which is on November 11th. I'll be spending most of my birthday week working and spending time with Dingo, the only person who can make me momentarily forget that my mom is gone. Luckily I've been working a lot lately so it distracts me and keeps me from being alone with my thoughts too long. Hopefully I don't fall too far down into the rabbit hole this weekend and come out the other side in more depression than I went in.

I have gummy bears and a new Fitbit charger... I may be okay. ;-)


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