Goodbye to 2014

Happy New Year, peeps. 2014 was a crazy year for me. The most eventful year I think I've ever had. Of course it wasn't all fun or even pleasant, but some of it was incredible.

In January I was introduced to a guy my sister works with. He took me to the rodeo on our first date - my second date ever. It was a wonderfully familiar setting for such an unfamiliar event. We saw each other for about a month before it went radio silent. After a few months of not hearing from him, we started talking again. The day after Christmas he asked me to be his girlfriend. Another first.

In 2014, the Galoria Hunter Series became the Sarah Barker Series and I started to refer to myself as S.Buchheit to avoid confusing even myself with my seemingly vain choice to name the title character after myself. Glory Fades/Blood Red Roses, Nephilim, and Willing Destruction were all rolled into one cohesive piece of work as my brain slowly shriveled like a raisin. Seriously, Blood Red Roses was horrible. :-P The first three books of the previous series (which, luckily for me and my harebrained decision, no one had read) became the first book of the Sarah Barker Series: Glory of the Nephilim.

Available now on iBooks, Kindle and others. Will be out in paperback mid-January.
I finished the first draft of Wings of the Nephilim, book 2, last night. It surprisingly was only the rewrite of Trembling Wings, book 4 of the original series. I'm very happy with it, but have already moved on to book 3.

Well, I'll have to finish recapping my year some other time. I hope your holidays were as great as mine and hope you stay as comfortable as possible. I say it like that because it's -4 degrees here in Illinois. Brrrr.


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