End of Glory Fades

As of today, I am no longer with SBPRA, who published Glory Fades. I was naive when I entered into my contract with them, saying okay to the first person who said yes. I should have researched, asked questions, and found out that paying for my book to be published by someone, who couldn't honestly say they read it, was a bad idea. I put more money into it than I was promised to get out of it. Four years later and I'm getting a check for $8 to show for my self-promotion of a book that was $15. I'm happily going back to self-publishing with all the rights to my work. I put all my efforts on promoting a book that I love, but I'm not an idiot. I don't think $15 is appropriate and having to pay hundreds of dollars for a digital version of the book to be made is just not an option in my situation. For me, my life, my budget, and my intention, self-publishing is the way to go.

For those very rare few who purchased Glory Fades, I can't thank you enough. I'm not "known", I won't even pretend like I am, but I do have a handful of non-family supporters and I thank you all.

And if you just stumbled upon this blog post by accident and had no interest in it it at all - or you're one of those robotic posters - I still say thanks. And hello.


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